Christian Tobler has donated a copy of his newest book as a prize to the members of He'll also sign the copy to the winner of the contest!
Description from the publisher:
Fighting With the German Longsword is a brilliant book, distilling the foundational concepts that underly the German system and presenting them in a logical order complete with drills and photographic support. Now, the students of German swordsmanship can build their skills in a well-organized and sensible progression of skills. As such, the book will prove useful to anyone interested in historical swordsmanship. Fighting draws from the corpus of German manuscripts, including those of Hanko Döbringer, Sigmund Ringeck, Hans Talhoffer, Paulus Kals, the von Danzig fechtbuch, Jud Lew, Hans von Speyer, and Joachim Meyer. Most of the work is based on Mr. Tobler's original translations, tempered by his experience with the system as a whole.
No look at the historical techniques would be complete without close quarters work, and Mr. Tobler is to be particularly congratulated for his distillation of the principles of the Drei Ringen or Three Wrestlings. Using this simple system, the fundamentals of the close quarters Krieg may be easily integrated. The author then extends these principles to the wrestling at the sword, in and out of armour. The sections on spear and halfswording step the combatant through an application of the principles in such a way that they can be applied to any martial system, including the study of historical swordsmanship for its own sake, for use in armoured tournaments, for stage, and for SCA/Reenactment purposes.
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This book retails for around $25 US.
- Ensure you're a registered member of
- Go to the usergroups section of our site, view information for the Contest: The German Longsword group
- Click "Join Group"
You must be joined prior to Monday, December 13th, 2004. All participants will be entered into a drawing and the winning name will be randomly selected later that same Monday.
Domestic shipping charges are included with the winning prize, but international winners will be required to pay for shipping. Christian Tobler will be responsible for sending the prize to the winner after he has personalized the book with his signature and the name of the winner.
Good luck to everyone!!
- You must be a registered member of
- moderators are not eligible to win
- Shipping charges are included for winners located in the continental US
- Only one entry per household is allowed
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