The blade is 38.5" long and the guard is chiseled steel in the form of a snake with part scales and part floral decoration. The original was gilded but is so worn away you can only see this in the deepest of the engraved lines. The wooden handle scales have been repaired and have a fillet section missing along the back edge. On very close inspection (not noticed previously by the curators) the scales were originally fabric covered and this could be seen by the weave indents on the patina. What this fabric once was we will never know.
The repro I made for the RA kept the handle as it is displayed has no fabric covering and no fillet between the scales on the back edge.
So I had a commission to make another of these sabres and wanted to do it right this time.
The blade is a typical sabre blade and so it starts very thick at the guard, 8mm in this case and over the next 15cm thins to 5.5mm and then maintains this thickness for another 30cm and then tapers down from there to 2mm near the tip. The result is a wicked slashing blade that is of course blade heavy as there is no pommel and as a sabre should be.
The guard is steel and the handle scales are elm covered in a rust red/royal blue shot silk fabric and closed with decorative washers riveted with brass pins.
I hope you like the result.
I will get some stats tomorrow.