How many active members on this website?
... as a new member, I was curious to ask how many active folks are currently a member of this website forum (i.e. how large an audience for the posts here)?

Mr. Webmaster?

Please pay attention to the description of the forum where you are posting. The Historic Arms Talk forum, where you originally posted this topic, is described as:

"Discussions of reproduction and authentic historical arms and armour from various cultures and time periods"

This topic has nothing to do with that forum.
The stats that we make publicly available are listed on the homepage in the section labeled "Latest Statistics" and on the forum home under the location labeled "Statistics".
.... sorry ... I found this forum on Google without seeing the homepage, and was unaware of your stats there!

David welcome to the site and, in case you haven't noticed yet, there is a lot of content outside of just the Forums with lots of Feature article, Reviews of reproduction by production makers and quite a lot from custom makers.

The membership also includes many top makers who often post comments and answer questions as well as product information on the " Makers and Manufacturers " Talk Forum.

Also a lot of informal reviews and DIY projedct Topics by members.

In addition quite a few professional Historians, museum curators and published authors are also members.

So, I hope you explore the site and enjoy the Forum discussions as a reader and as a participant: Don't feel shy to ask questions. :D :cool:

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