First, I apologize for my low level of English. But would like to share some news with you.
In order to remember the most important confrontation between Muslims and Christians on the Middle Ages in Spain, during the named "Reconquista", the medieval reenactment group, "El Clan del Cuervo" (The Raven's Clan) will focusing this year on arranging various activities including, if it's possible, an historical documentary on the battle Las Navas de Tolosa (16 July 1212, ie this summer, the eighth centenary).
Initially, since there is no funding, this association has prepared a promotional teaser to search a production company. As you can see, it has been made with little means, only with what has been able to gather by their members and friends. This is to provide a presentation for financing. If everything evolves satisfactorily, El Clan will set a film with more people, renting cameras and equipment, including digital effects, etc.
I am not a member of El Clan, but I am one of his friends, and I collaborated in the filming of this little clip. Especially in the shots of Pallatium of the last king of visigoths, Ruderic (710-711 c.e.), and later Christian chroniclers. As you can see here (I have some pride, and let me thank El Clan for letting me be in these scenes).
I don't have experience in the Historical Reenactment, in fact I'm a newbie coming from the world of archeology and teaching. In Spain, the Medieval Reenactment has become popular recently, and the average level is lower than the rest of Europe. While is not the only one, El Clan del Cuervo is one of the most rigorous, and self-demanding groups, in my country.
I invite you to visit their web-site:
The title of teaser, «Polvo, Sudor y Hierro» (Dust, Sweat and Iron), is not inspired by the words of Churchill, but in a poetic composition of 1901, by Manuel Machado (1874-1947), brother of one of greatest Spanish poets in 20th century (Antonio Machado). Manuel was poet too, though less valued:
El ciego sol, la sed y la fatiga.
Por la terrible estepa castellana,
al desierto, con doce de los suyos
-polvo, sudor y hierro-, el Cid cabalga.
Some pictures:
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Concept-art of visigoth pallatium, by Yeyo Balbás.

The result, with king Rudericus and its gardingi.
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A member of El Clan as example of what the title means.
Best regards