School of the Renaissance Soldier Midwest!
The first of its kind in the region!
To be held at the historic fort in Fort Wayne Indiana, March 16, 17, 18, 2012.

A full immersion 16th and 17th century event with training in pike and shot combined arms tactics,* the sword (taught by our own Tim Lyon), 16th century clothing (taught by Dan Rosen), and more. The event will also include gaming, drinking, and general soldier-like badassery. A women's track is also being developed which will include historical life skills and preparation for combat and siege warfare. All representations from the very late 15th-mid 17th century (pike and shot era) are welcome, and we are slated to have everything from Landsknechts and Poles to Spanish and English trained bands from across the United States in attendance.

*Dependent on numbers; 27 are currently registered with expectation for many more. If you choose to follow the shotte/blackpowder firearms track, you are expected to bring your own piece that must pass both a safety and authenticity inspection.
Fine print ^^^

Visit our Facebook page for more information and registration forms. The deadline is March 1, 2012.

We hope to see you there!