Whilst on the subject, I've just yesterday finished my Staffordshire hoard Seax, and accompanying scabbard from Bjärs 17.
The blade is by Greg (Thorkil) and the hilt and scabbard are by me. I fell in love with these Seax fittings when I saw them in the Birmingham museum when they first went on display, I knew immediately that I must have them. That was even before they had discovered that there was other fittings including the little pommel.
So I decided to knock them up to compliment Gregs lovely blade, Its the one on his website.
The scabbard is from the Swedish, Bjärs 17 grave, I thought this type of scabbard suited the hilt as the Bjärs 17 Seax hilt arrangement is similar, although less ornate.
This piece was originally going to be commissioned from Dave Roper of Ganderwick creations and my group colleague, However I am a Skinflint Yorkshireman, and it pained me to consider parting with cash, so I decided to make them myself.
1st attempt at Cloisonne, (But not my last)
I surprised myself a little.
I think the important and worthwhile thing here, and I think this goes for all of us, is, that if you want to try and create something badly enough, if you rise to the challenge, it is the blend of skill and patience that result in something you are happy with. I am certainly happy with my result and will be giving it its first outing in a couple of weeks.