This is a special sword....I made it for my niece, who was born in January. Its a little big for her at the moment but I trust she will grown into it. The blade is aluminum (and very, very dull!), the hilt is blued steel with a wire wrapped poplar grip. Her name is Ida Rose, so the pommel is etched with a Tudor rose with an I in the center. This should also prevent one of her parents from boosting it for themselves. Why does a baby need a sword you ask? Well, you are here on this forum so you probably know the answer to that already. Who wouldn't want to grow up with a sword made just for them mounted high on the wall ?
I'll let her parent decide what the appropriate age is for her to come into true ownership of this, but one day I hope she'll love it and learn to use it.
This sword obviously already has a home, so I just thought I would share.