I kept coming back to one of Turner's paintings of the battle--the decisive moment before the lines close, just after Fauconberg brilliantly seized a tactical advantage for his archers. It's a beautiful painting and highly accurate in its details. I finally treated myself to a 34" x 24" print of the painting from by-the-sword.com. It actually wasn't that much of a treat--$60. :) BTS has lots of Turner's artwork, including WOR and ECW scenes but this one more than all the others seems like a window onto the field.
I finished mounting and framing the Towton print yesterday and I'm just about to hang it in my office. I'm really thrilled to own this! One of the most impressive things about Turner's work is that he has studied the period so thoroughly that he's gotten drawn into serious historical jousting. He commissioned a very fine English plate harness, which can be seen at his site, and recently won The Queen's Golden Jubilee Trophy in joust at Royal Armouries, Leeds (a hugely impressive feat by itself).This interest, in turn, is informing his artwork.
Graham Turner: http://www.studio88.co.uk/acatalog/Graham_Turner.html
The BTS prints: