I need some advice for creating the pole. Virtually all of the SCA banner pole articles I found so far use materials like EMT tubing and other incorrect materials. I found a few that tell me how to create nice wooden poles but none that tell me how to make a swiveling top. I only found a few articles that deal with T shaped tops. I need an inverted L shaped top.
I am guessing that, with a one meter high banner, the pole itself should be at least three meters (9 ft) tall. That won't fit in my car, so it needs to be dividable in some way. Also, three meters is a bit too tall I think for parades. I'll be carrying it with the pole butt in a leather pouch on my belt. That would raise the top of the banner to four meters (12 ft) off the ground. That going to be hell to carry around. So, it makes sense to me if I can take the bottom meter off the pole to carry it around and fit it in my car.
More over, I probably don't want the pole to rotate in my hands or in the belt when I am carrying it, so the top cross section will need to be able to swivel in some way.
Has anyone ever made a banner pole like this? Any ideas on how I could make one that looks correct and functions well?
Thanks in advance!

Matthew Paris' Hospitaller banner