Posts: 1 Location: Central Texas
Mon 10 Jan, 2011 7:30 am
help identifying dagger/dirk
Posts: 1,422 Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Mon 10 Jan, 2011 7:40 am
Hi Jon
Welcome to the forums. I would tend more towards a 19th C Souther Europe favoring the Iberian region, or their colonial possessions if I had to guess. The style would seem to fit this area and time frame well. The workmanship does look nice but I do not see indications of India, though that is me and it is an area that is little studied and few resources for people to work from.
Posts: 1,563 Location: Upstate NY
Mon 10 Jan, 2011 8:47 am
This does have a very strong Spanish punal feel to it as Craig mentioned. The punal, due to a fairly long period as a colony, was often copied and carried in the Philippines. I just obtained a late 19th century Philippino made punal with a similar blade shape, although much plainer. Many Philippino punals have brass hilt furniture due to its manufacture and commonality in the region, and the hilt of this one has a little different feel to it. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that due to certain details in the quillon and blade decoration that this is more likely Spanish made rather than Philippino. Likely 19th century. Just my 2c.
Posts: 1,563 Location: Upstate NY
Fri 28 Jan, 2011 4:41 am
Well this one ended up on ebay. Got the auction on my screen now. Best of luck to the seller.
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