A while ago a customer asked me if I would quote on a helm, after pointing out I didn't make helms, he asked me to do the job anyway and so this project was born and I am very happy to have been involved.
The brief was to base the helm on the Gjermundbu one, but to hypothesise about the missing parts and make the overall effect 'dark', not low end, but not flashy, well made and business like. There also needed to be a stylised bronze boar as a crest.
As I said at the beginning I don't make helmets and this did not seem to be the one to start on, so I aksed Kevin from Plessis Armouries to make the pot and the liner and he also interpreted the rusty remains of the original to work out plate configurations etc as I am used to congealed knives not armour. Some of the joggled joints matched better than I could file them, so I know I had found the right man.
The helm has a padded linen liner, copper rivets and copper wire inlay, bronze hinges, a deep blue/black finish, riveted maille skirt and an oxidised bronze boar. All in all I think the effect is menacing and business like with enough detail to get noticed, but not too much as to overshadow the piece.
Thanks to Jason for laying down the design parameters and Kevin for the structure and rather tricky blueing and I hope you like the piece.
