From the left.
Longbow ca 85lbs @ 32, Hickoryback, Elmwood belly, made by me.
Longbow ca 85lbs @ 32 Yew, Made by Anders Wirén (I have removed the handle after the picture was taken)
Arrows. (red fletching) 40 inches, aspenwood tapered up to 12 mm, made bu Marcus Lindgren.
Arrows (white fleching) 40 inches, pinewood.
longbow ca 60lbs @32, Gotlandian Yew, Made by Marcus Lindgren. (the owner of it)
I really like your bows, but I would like to know if you have problems with set on the elm bow, because in my experience, elm is very disappointing on this field...... also, has the yes bow always been a little bit deflex or has it become so during use?
The yewbow has been like that, though the photo is just seconds after restringing the bow. It usually straigtens a bit after some streaching and rest on the stand.
The Elmbow is new and has only ben shot for two sessions. I hope the hickoryback will help it resist the bending out of wear. But that is yet to be seen.
Thanks for your questions, I will report back when it has been in use for a while!
The Elmbow is new and has only ben shot for two sessions. I hope the hickoryback will help it resist the bending out of wear. But that is yet to be seen.
Thanks for your questions, I will report back when it has been in use for a while!
Thanks for the quick answer.
I just asked you about the elm bow, because I once made a simple Flatbow out of elm with a hickory-backing and it built up compression-cracks all over the limbs. I brought it to a well known bowyer and he said he could not complain about a bad tiller or something like that....
I recently made a bow out of Ipe with a hickory backing and made it aroung 4 cm reflex in the blank. After a few hundred shots (it has a draw weight of around 70 pounds) it still holds this gentle reflex and I am very happy with it. I could post some picture if it is of interest.
I just asked you about the elm bow, because I once made a simple Flatbow out of elm with a hickory-backing and it built up compression-cracks all over the limbs. I brought it to a well known bowyer and he said he could not complain about a bad tiller or something like that....
I recently made a bow out of Ipe with a hickory backing and made it aroung 4 cm reflex in the blank. After a few hundred shots (it has a draw weight of around 70 pounds) it still holds this gentle reflex and I am very happy with it. I could post some picture if it is of interest.
Please do! Do you have any pictures of the the bow with the stressed limbs too. Would be interesting to see what to look for!
Hello again!
I just made some pictures of the two bows (this will be a very picture-heavy topic...).
Please tell me what you think.
The Elm-Flatbow just has aroung 25 pounds @28" and the ELB has around 70 pounds @28".
First The ELB:
Attachment: 119.6 KB
the Tiller
Attachment: 93.68 KB
the Reflex
Attachment: 69.29 KB
The sexy wood
Attachment: 69.89 KB
the sexy wood again
Attachment: 107.55 KB
Reflex after use
I just made some pictures of the two bows (this will be a very picture-heavy topic...).
Please tell me what you think.
The Elm-Flatbow just has aroung 25 pounds @28" and the ELB has around 70 pounds @28".
First The ELB:
Attachment: 119.6 KB
the Tiller
Attachment: 93.68 KB
the Reflex
Attachment: 69.29 KB
The sexy wood
Attachment: 69.89 KB
the sexy wood again
Attachment: 107.55 KB
Reflex after use
Now the Elm-Flatbow:
I just was able to take photos of some of the cracks, but they are all over both limbs with nearly no exceptions but the last 10 cm of each limb.
Attachment: 81.33 KB
The Compression-Cracks........
Attachment: 114.34 KB
The Tiller
I just was able to take photos of some of the cracks, but they are all over both limbs with nearly no exceptions but the last 10 cm of each limb.
Attachment: 81.33 KB
The Compression-Cracks........
Attachment: 114.34 KB
The Tiller
I was wondering what the cost of a longbow like those go for?
The yewbow I have I payed around 600 USD if I convert from Swedish Kronor!
Here I am at 38,5". I know I have arms like an ape!
I don't know if the tiller on the elm flat bow was like that before the cracks appeared , or if it got that way after. Either way it needs some serious work if you are even thinking about shooting it again. the limb on the left especially has a serious hinge going on and it is just asking to break.
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