There will be a pedagogical seminar on Saturday, April 10 and Sunday, April 11. The instructors are John Krauss and Paul Sise, both USFCA prevôts d'armes. Fees will be $25 for Saturday evening (5 pm till 9 pm, dinner to follow); $40 for Sunday 8 am to 4 pm; or $65 for both.

Saturday will concentrate on general teaching methods applicable to classical, historical, or sport fencing and including things like risk management, lesson design, and skill progression. Sunday will mostly be sport-specific material, though we'll also work on giving individual lessons.

I have personally found this approach very conducive to the teaching of historical fencing in small or large groups.

The location is Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy in Easthampton, MA. Hotel space is available. Details and preregistration on AskFred.

Again, this is a pedagogical seminar; the focus will be on how to better teach fencing, not on how to fence.

RSVP so if you're interested in coming, please use the AskFred link or e-mail him at