A little history should go along with this, I think : This sword was made for another forumite some time
ago and appeared briefly here in a thread that I can no longer find. I've always admired the work Mr.
Lundemo has done and have ALWAYS looked more than once at classified adds featuring a piece
he made and someone chose to sell. I believe Karl purchased the sword from that gent out of a
different forum before offering it here, where the stars and my finances aligned just at the right time
to bring another sword of curved tradition into my hand.
It seems the beginning of a year is a good time for sabers. B-)
I messaged Mr. Lundemo about the sword and what he could tell me was that it is based on a
few pictures of antiques, but not one in particular. That it is of historical weight and balance and
looks right, although the scabbard is NOT traditional. The steel is 1084 and is a performer at
the cutting stand, and was made with that in mind.
For myself, pictures belie the size of the sword -- not at all as massive as my Black Saber, or
as studly as my Ollin Hussar. But as I once had as a bi-line elsewhere : Its Not The Size Of
The Dog In The Fight, But The Size Of The Fight In The Dog. If you follow me. I think the full-
tang construction, solid manufacturing, simpler blade lines, and historical curve suggest that
" performance " Mr. Lundemo refers to.