Last post about a visit appears to be several years old, so... earlier this week I detoured a few miles to visit during a trip thru the Worcester/Western Boston area. There is lots of armour on display, & many different interesting polearms. Fewer swords on display by comparison, but 2 notable viking ones, a few bronze, & their #2428 (see link) so I was very happy. Some interesting shields & daggers, up high to keep paws off.

Overall, present displayed collection is well worth a visit if in the area. I live ~3 hours away & probably would not make a special trip, though that judgment would change if I was more into armour or if one of their special events was of particular interest. I will revisit periodically via short detour.

Print their directions. Parking is free & easy access overall, but local roads & nearby interchanges are initially confusing if you deviate.

I'll post a few pics when get time to resize.