I was looking at the catalogue for Hessink's latest auction and came across this beautiful rapier. I put it in my myArmoury photo album, but wanted to post it on the forum as well. It was made in 1560 by a man named Daniel da Serravalle for the city of Milan. Overall length is 113 cm. The decorations are silver.

If you want to look at photos of original swords from the 16th and 17th century, go to my album - http://www.myArmoury.com/albums/index.php?cat=10013 - I found most of these swords at Hermann Historica and Hessink. Many of them have 2 or 3 different views of the same sword.

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from Hessink

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rapier milana 1560.jpg
from Hessink

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from Hessink