It gives me great pleasure to announce ......

Sword and Knife forge in at bush fire forge 2009

Dates 18th 19th 20th april 2009
Held at my forge in Welling on the london/Kent border
Demonstrations by :-

Ric furrer USA demo wootz
Toby crocker UK demo Damascus
Owen Bush UK demo sword forging and book talk
Niko Hynnen (Finland ) running a Japanese tatara smelt
Leo Todeschini (UK) demo sheath /scabbard making
Janet Lang (UK) from the British museum talking on her work on Saxon swords

There will be open forges to play on and access to multiple power hammers and food on sat eve .
This is a great chance to learn some bladesmithing,Have a go and meet some like minded people .
These are very friendly gatherings the last one brought together 50+ smiths from around the world .
there is a fee to cover demonstrators expenses (probably £60 again)
for details please email Owen or tel 0044(0)7973798690

I am very exited to be doing this again the last forge in was the highlight of my forging year .