Sccabard with wooden core, reinforced by linnen fabric soaked in hide glue, hand stiched, calfskin, hide glue.

Jan Chodkiewicz wrote: |
That is another hand forged XVa type long sword. Pommel is based on Peter Johnsson projects (Sempach sword pommel) Weight is ~ 1450 g. Materials as usual : spring steel for blade, reinforced bar steel for guard, mild steel - pommel.
Sccabard with wooden core, reinforced by linnen fabric soaked in hide glue, hand stiched, calfskin, hide glue. |
Quote: |
Out of curiousity, are Type T2 pommels typically found on XVa swords? |
Jason Elrod wrote: |
Can we get a close up shot of the pommel? The more I see of your work the more I like it. |
Lancelot Chan wrote: |
Is there any photo showing the full sword without the scabbard on? :D |
Vaclav Homan wrote: |
Dobry den, bardzowne mecze panuov v polsce, slawianska slawa stawu meczarskego.