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Which group do you belong to?
The Scots
 4%  [ 5 ]
The Celts
 7%  [ 8 ]
The Vikings
 18%  [ 19 ]
The Knights
 37%  [ 39 ]
The Samurai
 0%  [ 1 ]
The Chinese
 1%  [ 2 ]
The Romans
 2%  [ 3 ]
The Renaissance Men (or women)
 7%  [ 8 ]
Middle East / Far East
 3%  [ 4 ]
The Barbarians
 2%  [ 3 ]
South East Asia
 0%  [ 0 ]
Miscellaneous Whiners
 11%  [ 12 ]
Total Votes : 104

Middleastern for sure
Salom Aliekum!

Definately Middleastern!
I love the food, I love the music, and what little we see of the curvy women looks pretty good too! Much can be said for Arab hospitality.
It's just too awful hot here for me......
Have a few Khanjars and a homemade Qama, but still looking for that perfect (and affordable) Saif. :eek:

Love the treasures of India also.....

Ma'a Salama
A very interesting poll over here. At SFI as expected the samurai are in the lead, followed by the knights and then the vikings. I think that has been the case over there every year but one. Over here though we have a seeming contradiction. Apparently here the samurai are completely nonexistent which would indicate that here things are a bit homogenous in favor of the knights.. BUT then the miscellaneous category is showing in third place right behind the vikings indicating that there are people so varied that they don't feel they fit into any of the other categories or multiple of the other categories. Weird.
Normally, I would go with "knight", but there is something about miscellaneous whiner that is hard to refuse...
I'm the only myArmoury samurai so far!
*crickets chirping...*
Gabriel Lebec wrote:
I'm the only myArmoury samurai so far!
*crickets chirping...*

" THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE " :p You must have killed off all the other immortals. :D
Great sword of war.....Guess its a Knight for me. :cool:
Guess I'd have to go with Miscelaneous Whiners: I'd be a knight of Celtic/Norse descent. :D
If crusader were a category I would go with that but knight is the next closest thing. Guess I can't complain too much about gothic armour and pole axes.

What with the horse, saddle, barding, tack, knightly swords , poll axe, horseman's axe, mace, and full suit of plate, I guess that I am firmly planted in the knight category. Add to that the Ringeck from Albion that is on order and a new custom made halberd and you could say that I'm firmly stuck there. UNLESS, you add in full ACW cavalry kit for both Union and Confederate.

OK, OK, so I have a bit of an identity crisis brewing. Don't we all who dwell in this web site? Both feet loosely planted in three different eras if you count modern.
Based on favorite weapon, I will have to go with Knight. I have no horse at the moment, and my properties are pretty small... so man at arms is probably more like it.

UNLESS, you add in full ACW cavalry kit for both Union and Confederate.

Traitor :lol:



Comment taken in the humorous vein for which it was intended. Truth of the matter is, the riders in our group have no particular ideology of one side over the other. We just want to ride and have fun. If the scenario does not have enough of one particular side on a given day we will wear whatever color will balance the numbers. Sometimes we ride blue one day and grey the next.
tough decision
I could fit into a number of categories, voted Chinese to help the under-represented.

Most of my academic study has been European historical swords, all of my formal training has been Jian and Dao, but I truly believe that I can carouse with the best you can come up with.

So does that make me a dragon slaying, idealistic, type Xer, flying amongst the bamboo.........?
Snow and fog make a perfect palate for the devil's first paintbrush, the axe. :D Armed tourists unite!
Knights have a big lead so far. Yea for the Knights! Still no southeast Asia votes.
Hmm ....
Scots, Knights, or Renaissance ?
Scots, Knights, or Renaissance ?

Wait ! I've got some chainmail and a big axe, does that make me a Viking ?
( Or, does that make me Elmo from the Village of Hommlet ? :\ )

Ah well, my collection is pretty miscellaneous, and I'm sure I can find something to whine about around here. :D
( Oy ! Why no Psychotic Gamer catagory ?! ... Oh, wait, should have voted Barbarian. :p )
It would have to Knight for me, 1440 acres of mixed farmland, forest, creek, and pond should be able to support me in comfort so long as I don't repeat the mistakes of my ancestors and upset the peasants ;) . Seriously though who doesn't see the attraction of steel plate and barding and a collection of weapons like a golf bag, "hmm, infantry in open order with no cover, downhill charge, light breeze from the front to keep the dust down, the sword today I think, CHARGE!"

Plus the A&A Schloss Erbach, Knightly Riding Sword, and Gothic Mace kind of limit my choice now don't they?
Knight primarily (since I can only pick one :D )!
But, I'm also a Samurai/Renaissance Man/Viking/Chinese/Roman/Scot/Celt...
it's so hard to pick one.
Robert Zamoida wrote:
Knight primarily (since I can only pick one :D )!
But, I'm also a Samurai/Renaissance Man/Viking/Chinese/Roman/Scot/Celt...
it's so hard to pick one.

Your whining suggests a painfully obvious solution to your conundrum. :D
Lol, thanks to all of you who participated, I neglected to get back to this on the weekend (got to fix a hot water heater instead and of course as always work on scabbards). However polling is now closed and I'll have my children pick the lucky winners tonight... :)
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