Posts: 22 Location: Sweden
Sun 15 Dec, 2024 7:33 pm
HI I have some Stuff from the early time of
Gustav Vasa in Sweden
1525 "Westerås riksdagsbeslut om rusttjensten" weaponholding in Westerås
No matter your standing you shall supply 3 men if you have 200 mark rent with good harness("god harnesk") and a horse as good as 24 mark
A free man with 20 mark yearly rent should have a good horse of 24 mark and "drage tyg" [probobly same as drabbtyg from Drabbharnisch or trabharnisch)]
One that has less than 20 mark rent should have good Shooting grear/armour ("skyttetyg"), crossbow("armbhorst") or gun("röör") and a horse as he can provide.
All widows that hold 20 mark rent holds a 24 mark horse and good "drage tyg"
Those with less than 20 mark keeps a good man with crossbow or gun.
If you noticed that rich widows only have to hold armour and horses but no "good man" that is copied correctly from the text.
1525 "Till frälset och förläningsmännen i Finland om frälseskyldigheterna" Basically laws for Finnish freemen and kingsmen under Swedish rule
Each free man with Gods and holdings of woth to 400mark shall hold a horse and harness in the new manner. ... one that holds less should have shooters armour and one good gun or crossbow
kingsmen that have 200 mark crown rent shall hold 3 men ready with horses and harness in the new manner.
This one was kind of hard to read so i might have gotten something wrong
1526 "Rusttjenst-ordning"
Ordering of armed service page found on page 225 of Konung Gustaf den Förstes Registratur.
One at 400 mark rent wether that be crown or free rent shall hold 6 good men 3 withwith good "dragha harnesk" and 3 with "staallbogha"(i am guessing it is steelbows i.e. crossbows not certain though) and quilloned spears ("knæffuelspiuth") and hors as good as 30 mark
some letter from the same year found on the same page as above
For each 400 mark rent shall be held for the crown 6 men 3 with "drage tyg" and 30 mark horse with war saddle ("stæksadel") Triangular bladed lance ("glaffuen treeggi") and " stridzhand" (litterlay battle hand).
3 with good shooters armour and "arest"[sic] with 24 mark horse
at 200 mark one well armoured man with armour("kyris") and 30 mark horse as above and 2 with good shooters armour and 24 mark horse
Letter to The bishop of Åbo and Aache Claffuesson about armed service 2526 same book as above page 253
freemen and kingsmen
that have 400 mark rent shall
6 good men with needed weapons(weryor) 3 with "draffharnisk" and lances ("Glaffunener") each with a hores worth 30 markand the other 3 with shooters armour ("skytthetygh") stoolboghar(prob crossbow), "spetzer"(pike or spear), "kneffuelspiuth"(quilloned spear) or guns("rör")
Also in 1524 there is a letter to bishop Brask who is instructed to supply at least 100 good men with "tællerör spedzer oc hillarda eller swinspeetz" dont know what "tællerör "is but maybe some kind of firearm since rör is part of the name otherwise spears/pikes, hallberds or swine spears