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My WOTR armour. I tend to use this only for display and light sword work as it cost a lot of money. I use a composite armour for getting stuck in.

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My kit lately:

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Wearing a tailored riveted haubergeon under the harness in order to try out the mail "double skirt" look popular in Italy at the end of the 15th century.
Current state of my constantly evolving kit. Latest additions are gauntlets and legs, both partially made of hardened steel. Everything is self-made except the sword blade

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Scott Hrouda wrote:
Very nice Chuck! Can you tell us about the ballock dagger on your belt? It looks wonderful in the photographs. :)

it is a deltin! i've had it for almost 10 years now and it's help up well. it's not sharp but i guess it could be. :) i made the cheapie leather scabbard for it. one of these days i'll make a better one. thanks!
Here's my Teutonic knight kit. (1370-1410 flavored)
Once I get the Maille bits ordered and tailored This kit will be able to cover late 13th century to the early 15th.
For all of them I will be depicting a full Ritterbrudern.

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More pictures.......

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Looks great. I have been watching your progress and it is really coming along very well!

Is that a DSA sword I see there?
Thank you! And yes, I am a proud owner of a DSA.
The Norman.

I have maned mine Von Gottesmund, which is german for "Of God's Mouth."

It's reference to revelations, chap 19.
Looks very nice! Where does the surcoat and mantle come from? Did you make them yourself?
The Surcoate and Mantle were made by a local seamstress. Her work is very nice. She also made my tabard.

It does my heart good to see a young man in such a quality kit. You have a 20 year head start on me, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes you. Thank you for sharing! :cool:

I am very impressed by your painted besagues, they are very fetching! :)
Holy aventaille Batman, it's that disembodied houndskull from Modernchivalry!
Haha, thanks. It's a passion. What can I say? ;)

Oh and the besagues are a favorite part of my kit :)
I have some polyens with a similar scheme coming along......
My reconstruction of a noble warrior from the Second Bulgarian Empire during 13th - 14th C.

In civilian clothing

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The same without the kaftan

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And with a lamellar armour and almost full arsenal of weapons

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Fully armed, shooting a reflex bow

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Wow Boris, just wow! :eek: :)

I must say that I look forward to your posts with anticipation and envy. We all know you are quite an artisan, did you also make the helmet, dagger, sheath and belt purse highlighted in the photographs? I like how your new mace is simply and effectively mounted through the belt-purse support, nicely done. :cool:
Here is a first picture of my Armour, which is nearly complete after more than five Years:

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I have still do change some details, but as a first Impression the Picture is quite usable.

Best regards

I don't know about you guys, but if I was a captain, I'd hire Boris, heck, I'd hire everyone in this thread! :lol:
Keep up the awesome work guys, it's an inspiration to all.
Sam Gordon Campbell wrote:
I don't know about you guys, but if I was a captain, I'd hire Boris, heck, I'd hire everyone in this thread! :lol:
Keep up the awesome work guys, it's an inspiration to all.

Yeah, imagine a Fantasy novel where all the participants in this Topic thread where magically transported into a " mythical " Medieval land menaced by some Barbarian Horde and we where their only hope. ;) :lol:

Nice fantasy we could all appreciate I think, but if real I think most of use would be in a " panic " having to cope with a real Medieval World.

If written realistically from the POV of each person reacting in various ways, learning to work together, using our real skills but also faced with various physical and emotional lack of skill !

Most of use might be able to fight on foot, in theory, but few of us would be competent horsemen for example.
A lot of us are out of shape couch potatoes and real weapons flying at our faces would be something to " adapt " to.

Well, put us all on the field of battle by surprise without any notice in our armour and favourite weapons we might just look the part enough to bluff the Barbarian Horde into hesitating before coming to blows ..... we would have to get our act together fast and get the most competent and brave to the front line and form some quickly improvised shield wall !

Maybe a good author will read this and steal the idea. ;) :p :lol: :cool:
Watch Centurion a about a dozen times. Imagine all that crap happening to you.
I think by then you would become numb to the bloodbath :p
Andrej Pfeiffer-Perkuhn wrote:
Here is a first picture of my Armour, which is nearly complete after more than five Years:

I have still do change some details, but as a first Impression the Picture is quite usable.

Best regards


Its beautiful.
Jean Thibodeau wrote:
Sam Gordon Campbell wrote:
I don't know about you guys, but if I was a captain, I'd hire Boris, heck, I'd hire everyone in this thread! :lol:
Keep up the awesome work guys, it's an inspiration to all.

Yeah, imagine a Fantasy novel where all the participants in this Topic thread where magically transported into a " mythical " Medieval land menaced by some Barbarian Horde and we where their only hope. ;) :lol:

Nice fantasy we could all appreciate I think, but if real I think most of use would be in a " panic " having to cope with a real Medieval World.

If written realistically from the POV of each person reacting in various ways, learning to work together, using our real skills but also faced with various physical and emotional lack of skill !

Most of use might be able to fight on foot, in theory, but few of us would be competent horsemen for example.
A lot of us are out of shape couch potatoes and real weapons flying at our faces would be something to " adapt " to.

Well, put us all on the field of battle by surprise without any notice in our armour and favourite weapons we might just look the part enough to bluff the Barbarian Horde into hesitating before coming to blows ..... we would have to get our act together fast and get the most competent and brave to the front line and form some quickly improvised shield wall !

Maybe a good author will read this and steal the idea. ;) :p :lol: :cool:

The Madeupian and Fakeian forces paused, facing each other across the valley. The great General Baddguy surveyed the scene once more. His side, the Fakeians, had all the advantages. They outnumbered the enemy almost two to one, had the high ground, the sun at their backs... it was just too perfect.

He grinned as he looked back at his troops, rising his sword to signal the attack. There was a sudden flash of light out of the corner of his eye and he was abruptly hit with a massive noise and wave of air. His horse bucked beneath him, and around him there were the shouts of startled men and the screams of frightened horses.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" He thundered at his second-in-command, Sir Simperingsuckup, as if he would have any better idea than anyone else. Simperingsuckup just pointed his trembling sword across the valley.

Across the valley there had been an open area, which the Madeupians had not had the forces to cover. Now this area was a mass of smoke and dust. The valley was a funnel though, and a strong wind was rapidly blowing the smoke and dust away.

There was movement to be seen now, as the dust cleared. Baddguy was shocked to see many heavily armed and armoured men scattered throughout the area.

"Madeupian reinforcements, we should flee!" Sir Simperingsuckup shouted in surprise.

Baddguy glanced at him. "Coward! We should strike now, while they are in disarray. Look at them, they look confused and uncertain, like they don't even know what they're doing on a battlefield!"

"Bbbut, my lord, we are now outnumbered and they nearly all fully armoured, knights and lords all, killers to the core! They have us on both sides now!" Simperingsuckup's wail was pathetic and Baddguy suppressed the urge to backhand him.

Still, he had to admit Simperingsuckup was right about that. Most of his own forces were peasants and had little more than spear and shield. Against better trained and equipped knights they stood little chance, especially beset on both sides. His eyes narrowed.

"In addition, they have some kind of magic that can transport troops onto the battlefield! They could have more! We have to withdraw!"

"Damn it," Baddguy muttered under his breath. "Alright, sound the retreat." He yanked savagely on the reins, jerking his horse around...
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