Hello all!

While perusing the web for interesting images of medieval art, I ran across this fascinating Hungarian effigy. I've seen breastplates with separate plackarts, and anime breastplates, but this is something a bit different. It appears to be a combination of the two. It's appears to be made of separate pieces that come to a point in front like the typical plackart of the 15th century. I have seen multiple plackarts on some "Gothic armour", but I just thought I would share this interesting find, since it seems to take that concept to the extreme.

Here's the information about the effigy:

Cover of the Tomb of László Hunyadi
Cathedral, Gyulafehérvár

And here's the web site where I found it:


I hope this was of interest!

Stay safe!

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Effigy of László Hunyadi, circa 1450.
© Fine Arts in Hungary