The Sling
When was the sling and sling staff or fustibal last used in Europe as a weapon of war?
staff sling
I believe that the staff sling was last used in the Spanish Civil War, for throwing grenades. Ordinary slings have been used to throw rocks in the Palestinian Intifada.
Re: staff sling
Mark Shier wrote:
I believe that the staff sling was last used in the Spanish Civil War, for throwing grenades. Ordinary slings have been used to throw rocks in the Palestinian Intifada.

Palestine / Israel is not part of Europe. ;)
Apart from that the sling was in use during the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. There are depictions of Roman Troops using slings, probably auxiliary troops.
I don't know that the Sling has been used since the end of rome in "real" warfare. The weapon probably died out during the migration era or even earlier, but that's pure speculation *g*
Medieval slings..... thats called a trebuchet!!!

That aside they did use smaller trebuchet like weapons powered by 2plus men that were bascially a stick sling with a pivit point that was atop a second stick that was drove into the ground. My friend and I made one, launched some mellons quite far.

As far as true slings, I do not know, nor do I think I'd like to go against trained crossbowmen or longbow men armed with them or armoured horsement but it existed so it may have ended up on the field but I know of no times when. I had a friend who was quite good with one anf I could see it used offensively.

I found this site yesterday and already gave it at the end of another topic that talked about slings:
Their forums:

Looks interesting for those who want to know more about slings.

This topic about the spearthrower also discussed the sling and is a bit further on than this one: So, a quick read of that topic should be helpful.;start=0

One of my posts includes the above links as well as some Wikepedia articles.

Slings using lead missiles can go over 400 yards and skilled slingers can be very accurate.
The Spanish used slings into the 14th century, but I don't know to what extent. There were slingers at the battle of Navarre (1367), and I think there are refernces to slingers in other skirmishes that same year. I'll need to double check, but I think most of that info comes from Froissart.


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