For years my friend/editor/camera man, Mike and I have been discussing the question "did arrows shoot through armour?"
Finally, this summer we decided to really do something about it and I got my black book out and put a team together to do just that. The aim was use period accurate reproductions, set up in a sympathetic way to test a longbow against a breastplate.
The contributors are Joe Gibbs shooting a 160lbs bow, Will Sherman providing Mary Rose arrows, Kevin Legg with a variable thickness Churburg 14 breast plate, Chrissi Carnie providing the Jupon and Dr Toby Capwell providing historical knowledge and context and myself hosting the event.
We made a film about the day and three further spin off films providing more detail about certain aspects and all are available on my You Tube channel. The notes from the film are below and I hope you enjoy it.
What happens when a 160lbs ENGLISH LONGBOW shoots FULL WEIGHT MEDIEVAL ARROWS at properly Reproduced MEDIEVAL ARMOUR?
The English longbow is laden with myth; of its origins, its power, its achievements. The centuries that have passed since it was used in earnest, means that the knowledge of what the bow was actually capable of doing, has also passed. The captains and commanders that once knew its’ true power in physical and in military terms, are long dead. The knowledge is lost and it is time to rediscover what it can and cannot do.
The contributors are all world class in their fields of expertise, armour, arrows, shooting and historical context.
Joe Gibbs - Archer and bowyer
Will Sherman - Fletcher –
Kevin Legg - Armourer -
Chrissi Carnie - Fabric armour –
Dr Tobias Capwell - Arms and Armour Curator, The Wallace Collection
Tod Todeschini - Host -
Find out more about the battle, the armour and the arrows in these companion films.
The battle
The armour
The arrows
160lbs (73Kg) mountain yew English Longbow based on those found on The Mary Rose (sank 1545). Bow was shooting 80g (2.8oz) arrows at 55ms (180fps) at 10m, giving 123J and 52ms (170fps) 109J at 25m
Distance 10m 25m
11yds 27yds
Speed 55ms 52ms
181fps 170fps
Energy 123J 109J
91ftlbs 80ftlbs
The first arrow type we used was MR80A764/158. The diameter at the shoulder was 12.7mm (1/2”) tapering to a nock of 8.5mm. Total length was 30.5”
The second arrow type was MR82A1892/9. The diameter at the shoulder was 12.9mm (1/2”) and the nock was 7.5mm. Same total length.
The shafts were black poplar (Populus Nigra) and ash (Fraxinus Excelsior).
Fletchings were swan, bound with silk into a beeswax, kidney fat and copper verdigris compound.
Heads were wrought iron, copied from MoL Type 9 7568
Arrows weighed 80g (2.8oz)
Based on the Churburg 14 piece. The reproduction is made from 0.5% carbon steel and air cooled and is of variable thickness. The front and centre is 2.5mm (3/32”) thick and it tapers down to 1.5mm (1/16”) at the sides and edges.