Different kinds of styles can be discerned from pictures. Some with a "box-like" torso and others "domed" (and even breast like).
So I wonder if one can distinguish a Kastenbrust chronology based on precise dating of paintings?
Anyways I have located an extremely late depiction. A Kastenbrust on Skt. Jørgen (Saint George) from this church painting in the Roskilde Domkirke, Denmark. This, among other paintings in the cathedral, is dated 1465-1475.
He also appears to have a "langes messer" in the scabbard with S-curved quillons. Have a hunch it could be somewhat unusual for Saint George depictions, where one would expect a knightly sword?
This image of Skt. George (dated 1432-1435) by Rogier van der Weyden comes fairly close to the Danish depiction in the breast like shape of the torso.
[ Linked Image ]
Source: https://www.nga.gov/kids/rogier/rogier2.htm
Perhaps the Danish example has been inspired from continental paintings or perhaps this armour type was used in Denmark even after it was out of fashion most other places.

Skt. Jørgen (Saint George).
Roskilde Domkirke.
Dated: 1465-1475.
Source: http://natmus.dk/salg-og-ydelser/museumsfaglige-ydelser/kirker-og-kirkegaarde/kalkmalerier-i-danske-kirker/