Vladimir Cervenka just finished a saber for me,and sent some pics,and I thought I`d share a couple-three. i`am going to call her, "Strange Wings" as in the ,Golden EarRing, song :-)

Matthew G.M. Korenkiewicz wrote: |
I ever been a fan of wire-wrapped grips -- IF that's wire, kinda
looks like it. But that's just me. I suppose in a gloved fist the grip would feel just fine ... |
Matthew G.M. Korenkiewicz wrote: |
Seems like you're always experimenting with ideas and themes, DoubleK. That is nicely done, I've
always admired VC's work ... of course I'd like to see a little more curve in the blade, but as we know, historically that's NOT a must; nor have I ever been a fan of wire-wrapped grips -- IF that's wire, kinda looks like it. But that's just me. I suppose in a gloved fist the grip would feel just fine ... Any particular reason you weren't interested in " more " curve, DoubleK ? |
Scott Kowalski wrote: |
That is a great looking piece Karl. The whole thing comes together very nicely and looks entirely plausible. I have to admit that I am a fan of fantasy blades that are totally within the realm of the possible like this. |
Carl W. wrote: | ||
I second this comment, its Really nice. If you all hadn't said different I would have assumed it is a historical repro - and overall one of the nicest curved swords I can recall seeing. Congratulations! |