Posts: 135 Location: Poland
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 6:56 am
Late 12th. cen. full-faced helmet, raised. FOR SALE
Hello :)
Here's raised flat-topped full-faced helmet. This one is based on the relief from Lyngsjo church (Sweden).
Here's some info about:
I made it because I really like that zig-zag edged visor ...very bizarre :D ...and I really like that period.
The bowl raised in single piece of black steel, 2-2,5 mm thick. The visor 2 mm thick.
Inner size (without padding): 70 cm circumference, 20,5x23,5 cm diameters
Cost including postage (Europe) ...388 Euro
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Posts: 669 Location: Dinuba, CA
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 9:29 am
Looks pretty good, Patryk! I am also very interested in this period and had never seen the font from the Lyngsjo church. Thank you for sharing the historical information with the new helmet. If you make another one I would recommend adding more material to the sides of the visor, as suggested in the original carving as well as most other contemporary artwork depicting such helmets.
Posts: 135 Location: Poland
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 9:41 am
thanx :)
...abut the visor ,that's why I made as I made (below) ...there's not too many material ...I just added little bit my own style maybe...but general context is the same
I had some problem with the nasal ...but I like simply soloutions :)
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Posts: 669 Location: Dinuba, CA
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 10:25 am
Ah, ha! I was looking at the other fellow with this style of helmet, show in this panel... You should have made this one! Ha.
Posts: 86 Location: Bulgaria
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 12:56 pm
Here is another source about that shaped helmet visor:
There is another one,but i can not remember where I have seen it...
Posts: 1,303 Location: Jackson, MS, USA
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 3:01 pm
I think it's a wonderful achievement! The question of how much material to leave at the outside edge seems to depend on source, as sometimes we see a cross-bar on the nasal without it connecting back at all....
....and at others, forming a rudimentary face mask.
Some of the color depictions do seem to show the brow band as heavily decorated, and/or copper-alloy, like Viktor's example or the
Hortus deliciarum copy.
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Posts: 669 Location: Dinuba, CA
Thu 01 Oct, 2015 10:04 pm
Mart, perhaps I'm just more inclined towards those that have a bit more material around the edges! Those that have the nasals that don't even reach all the way back up to the sides of the face are also very neat, though, and provide an excellent transitional look.
I'm considering starting a thread about what a c. 1200 Eastern Scandinavian man-at-arms would appear like on the battlefield. Between Patryk's lovely reconstruction here and my resurrection of the thread about the inlayed Finnish swords from the era, many other questions spring to mind! Check the main forum... Cheers!
Once again, good luck with your sale, Patryk!
Posts: 135 Location: Poland
Mon 05 Oct, 2015 7:34 am
thanx :)
I don't expect quick sale ,because it's not popular kind of stuff ...but I'm not hurry
...helmet is still available
och, thanx Victor for interesting img. ...looks much bizarre than mine :)
Posts: 1,303 Location: Jackson, MS, USA
Mon 05 Oct, 2015 9:02 am
The enlarged nasal, rather than side attachment variant, but with lobed edge.
Posts: 818
Thu 22 Oct, 2015 11:36 am
I really like this helmet.
Posts: 135 Location: Poland
Sat 09 Jan, 2016 3:36 am
helmet is stil available ...
...we've new year aleady, so I can make BETTER OFFER for this stuff ...ask via priv :D
Posts: 135 Location: Poland
Mon 11 Jan, 2016 2:10 pm
it looks like the helmet is not available already ;)
Posts: 818
Sun 07 Feb, 2016 10:50 am
I received the helmet yesterday
It's a work of art
Posts: 336 Location: U.S.A.
Sun 07 Feb, 2016 7:59 pm
Congratulations. Post some pictures when you get a chance.
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