pig-faced bascinet at Hermann Historica
Is saw this today on Hermann Historica. I was sold for 200 euro ($262)!!!!!!!! This is cheaper than most repros available on the market today. Is it a victorian reproduction?

Can someone translate the text accompanying the picture. Than you.

Hremann Historica] Hundsgugel wrote:
neuzeitliche Anfertigung im Stil um 1380. Konisch zulaufende Glocke mit typischem, aufschlächtigen Visier, rückseitige Federbuschtülle. Anhängende Brünne aus auf Stoß geschlossenen Ringen, modernes Helminnenfutter. Höhe 36 cm.


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Hermann H-1380.jpeg

Here's Altavista's translation, such as it is:

Hundsgugel, modern preparation in the style around 1380. Conical approaching bell with typical, aufschlaechtigen visor, back feather/spring shrub sleeve. Attaching Bruenne out on impact closed rings, modern helmet interior fodder. Height of 36 cm.

Looks like a modern repro: "modern preparation (made?) in the style around 1380."
Chad Arnow wrote:
Here's Altavista's translation, such as it is:

Hundsgugel, modern preparation in the style around 1380. Conical approaching bell with typical, aufschlaechtigen visor, back feather/spring shrub sleeve. Attaching Bruenne out on impact closed rings, modern helmet interior fodder. Height of 36 cm.

Looks like a modern repro: "modern preparation (made?) in the style around 1380."

I did suspect that mostly due to the price:D. I did find the visor to be a bit odd and the eye sits to be too wide, but I do not think that alone is sufficient to rule the helmet as a repro.


No, the whole thing is very "off". From the shape of the crown of the bascinet, to the hinges, to the folded (not rolled) top of the visor, to those occulars (*shudder*) and the shape of the snout and the lack of a "grin"...
Any one of them might be overlooked, or excused since all our knowlege of existing armour is necesarily incomplete, but all of them together just screams "wrong" to me.
Must be a victorian repro.
David R. Glier wrote:
No, the whole thing is very "off". From the shape of the crown of the bascinet, to the hinges, to the folded (not rolled) top of the visor, to those occulars (*shudder*) and the shape of the snout and the lack of a "grin"...
Any one of them might be overlooked, or excused since all our knowlege of existing armour is necesarily incomplete, but all of them together just screams "wrong" to me.
Must be a victorian repro.

I agree with you but tried not to make strong statements due to my generally limited knowledge. I did get that "something is terribly wrong here" feeling when I first saw the basinet, but in and of itself this was not enough to convince me that the helmet is a repro. The price however did.

"in the style" does mean "reproduction" or "forgery," and has sometimes been misapplied to authentic pieces.

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