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One thing you could do is open up the seam of your current gambeson at the wrist, so you can slip your hand out from the inside of the wrist when you're not using the gloves, and then do the same with integrated maille mittens. This is documented in a lot of artwork, and would allow you the versatility you want, while still having maille mittens.

Like this:
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The mittens in my gambeson do have a slit in the front, they're somewhat open actually at the palms, the only issue is if I wanna wear gauntlets or something I wont be able to due to them being integrated. Maybe I should just sew the scrap maille to the mittens and do it that way, only issue would be fitting my hands through the sleeves with the maille on it, could always use some leather make some slitted palms and use the maille I cut from my hauberk to make some maille mitttens to lace to the hauberk. I got loose rings plus 500 solid links I can use to make it. Just need some leather to make palms.
I really like your surcoat. The fit on it is great. What weight and type of fabric did you use?
I got it made by Badass garb over here http://badassgarb.com/ It is a linen surcoat and I might be getting a white teutonic knight one, my GDFB ones fit horribly and I personally think the new one I got fits much better.
Gerald Fa. wrote:
Ben van Koert wrote:
Gerald Fa. wrote:
Raman A wrote:
Ben van Koert wrote:

I absolutely love this picture. Truly heroic.

Love it! Looks very Italian! Is that Italian Gothic?

Thank you. It's mostly Italian export for the Flemish market, based on an English brass effigy.
Here's a video I took of it in action last week, although with spaulders instead of pauldrons and with my new armet: http://youtu.be/Qpi_njVoIzE

Man that is some good armor! Who made them for you?

Right now I am getting Parker to making me a German Gothic front & back Cuirass.
I will have it like just like this(I showed him this pic):
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When he starts on the back, I want it to look just like this (I will show him the back plate very soon):
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Made from 1055 Steel then heat treated. (but I wanted 4100 steel alloy)

The mild steel armors I have I want him to case harden them.

How do I put a pic I have to show the what I have?

I've never heard of Parker, does he have a website?
Very daunting that you chose the Sigismund armour to work with. The pictures you posted are from Will West's website and it's the armour he made for Mark Caple. It is THE best replica or dare I say, the ONLY replica of that harness that comes close to the original.
If I were you I'd still ask your armourer to work from photo's of the original instead of from a replica.
Another thing to consider is that you'll limit yourself considerably when you're going for this style. This armour was owned by an Archduke, and it's style is very distinct. This suit is the pinnacle of the 'gothic' style and to mix and match it with other parts would be detrimental in my opinion.
Will you also do the gilded filework edging?

Since you asked, my armour is an amalgam made by lots of different armorers, which takes very careful planning to make sure everything will work together.
The legs are by Stanislav Prosek, CZ
The maille is from india, but customized by malienkolders.nl, NL
The cuirass is by Mark Vickers, UK
The pauldrons also by Mark Vickers, UK
The spaudlers are by Stanislav Prosek, case hardened mild steel, CZ
The arms are by Historic Enterprises, US
The current gauntlets are by White Rose, UK
My next gauntlets will be second hand gauntlets by Emrys, UK
The sallet and bevor are by Albert Collins, SE
The grand bascinet with exchange visor is also by Albert Collins, SE
The armet is by Per Lillemund-Jensen, DK.

Mark Goble wrote:

Ah, I didn't realise you were part of the joust team at Arundel! I was with the group doing the foot combat. Nice harness, and the jousting was superb!

Ah cool! I've been helping out as ground crew for two years and finally got to joust this year. It's such a special event for me.
I never got around to posting these images of the Teutonic impression that I did at Days of Knights in 2012. Eventually I need to take updated pictures of this. The sleeves on the hauberk are a little short and I need to lengthen them, and probably integrate a mitten, or at least some hand coverage, so for these photos I covered the gap with some leather pieces I frequently use for the renfaires. Also, I was short on time, so I didn't put on the mail chausses. All of it is matching riveted mail.

Surcoat and cloak are GDFB, falchion is by Del Tin, shield is from Mercenary's Tailor, and the helm is custom fitted from By-the-Sword (here).

Photos are clickable for a larger view.

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The cloak looks very nice, and I like the look of the hose without chausses. It somehow feels authentic, as though you don't have every bit of gear available in period, but you do have some. The chopper is great too!
This is my mid 14th century kitt.

The photo was taken during the saturday battle of battle of Wisby, just outside the walls of Wisby itself. Photographer was SPQR

Made by me:
Coat-of-plates (nr 7).
Aketon (Charles de Bloi).
Riveted maile aventail for the bascinet.

The gloves are made by Willhelm Schütz and are based on wisby nr 5 and the Hünenberg glove. (closeup: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254437_10150199871123682_1266873_n.jpg)

The elbow cups are made by http://swedisharmory.se/

The maile needs to be updated into a rivited one. That comes when I can afford it.
Karl & Ed,

I do like your kits very much. Ed has this distinctive chopper and Karls armor looks so grimey, dirty, grubby, like one would expect of a seasoned soldier.

You two are on the right track!

Karl, I'm standing behind you with the padded mitten and the crooked axe ;-)
My kit portraying Tuve Andersen Galen commanding the danish archers at Battle of Wisby!

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show us you're kits and harnesses
I like you're kit, Martin! Very simple, but cool!


My Templar sergeant-brother impression today at the local medieval festival.

I'm going for a third crusade- era templar sergeant serving in Outremer. Not 100% accurate, but getting there. I basically chose to portray a sergeant-brother because those glamorous Templar knights you can see everywhere, but sergeants, the real backbones of the order, never :) . Also, as a non-knighted member of the order, I don't have to have the very latest and best of gear. That allows me some leeway in deciding what to wear.
Mr. Lindfors,

That's a great kit! The sergeants are a very under-represented group, for doing as much as they did. I really like the nasal helm.
Harry Lindfors wrote:

My Templar sergeant-brother impression today at the local medieval festival.

I'm going for a third crusade- era templar sergeant serving in Outremer. Not 100% accurate, but getting there. I basically chose to portray a sergeant-brother because those glamorous Templar knights you can see everywhere, but sergeants, the real backbones of the order, never :) . Also, as a non-knighted member of the order, I don't have to have the very latest and best of gear. That allows me some leeway in deciding what to wear.

Your speech reminds of a speech in the series the Pacific speech. Some things never change http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x48EoHtEIhs
How are you guys post image without issue? I can't post it even I used the IMG tag...

This is how my late 13-early 14 century templar kit currently looks like, What I need is better helmet, 13 century gambeson, chainmail and a actual sword.

But I will have bardiche first, because gambeson, chainmail and sword is currently too expensive for a 19 year old. And I am going to costume convention instead of re-enactment(no re-enactment in Malaysia) as well.

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Philip Dyer wrote:

Your speech reminds of a speech in the series the Pacific speech. Some things never change http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x48EoHtEIhs

Well, as my real life military rank from my army days actually is a sergeant, I do have to admit that in some small part it did affect my decision to choose to portray another sergeant from a different era. I symphatize, and all that...
Yep, a nice portrayal, Harry.

One tip though, coifs were almost all integrated with the hauberk at that time - so I'd suggest simply tucking the coif into the surcote to give a more accurate impression of the period.
Two kits from an event last weekend:

1. Afghan jailumi, 1800s: http://www.forensicfashion.com/1842AfghanWarr...13YHY.html
This kit is relatively complete, though some details are imperfect (eg. turban wrap, manner of carrying the pick).
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2. Ashanti warrior, 1800s: http://www.forensicfashion.com/1823AsanteWarrior.html
This one still needs alot of work, including a musket, knives, and a war jacket. I wore it mostly to accessorize the drum.
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Here os a couple of pictures of my main project. A yorkish archery officer in the war of the roses...

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Me in the background with my troops infront!
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