Sean Flynt wrote: |
Thanks, Timo! I was already looking at a Windlass butt cap/DIY langet combo. :D I can't weld, though, so that presents an obstacle. The long narrow langets are an obstacle, as is the socket size. Most spear head sockets are 1.25" to fit off-the-shelf dowels. This one is quite small. The Windlass butt cap I was looking at has a socket listed at 1" across, so that would be about the right size. These things are more emblems of rank than weapons, so it's probably going to be hard to adapt spear heads based on medieval or ancient forms. |
Timo Nieminen wrote: |
You can cut into and reshape a socket to fit a narrower haft.
Gregg Sobocinski wrote: |
This pike head by Manning Imperial is reasonably close to what you're seeking. I don't know if you can grind the head to more closely approximate the profile you seek, but it has one neck ring and your langets. Seems to be the correct time period, as well. [url] http://www.manningimperial.com/item.php?item_...id=3[/url] Good luck. |