Interesting Poleaxe/Halberd Love-Child
Instead of going to bed like I should, I was just wandering through Kult of Athena's website contemplating the idea of buying a cheap single hand warhammer and mounting it as a poleaxe, with langets and some spikes. I had a particular liking for Windlass's 17th Century Warhammer here:

Of course, I couldn't recall any actual examples that look like that, so I thought I'd look through's Albums section. (Yes, there is more to this place than the forums. ;) ) Then I thought Eh, there isn't going to be anything like that... But I'll look anyway, it's good for me.

Okey-doke, typical poleaxe with spikes, mace, warhammer... Well, what have we here? Hello beautiful. You look like the love-child of a poleaxe and halberd:

Seriously, that's what it looks like. Looks like a halberd with a poleaxe's beak and hammer-head.

Does anyone have any information on this piece? The entry is a little vague, all it says is the picture is from Hermann Historica. It seems a little unique and unique is frequently interesting. I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen anything similar...
You probably want to do a search on "Lucerne hammer". It's made differently from a war hammer/bec de corbin, but the result is equally useful.

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