Looking for sources for a particular helmet style.
For a while now, I've come across quite a few reproductions of these kinds of helmets, but don't ever remember ever seeing any period evidence for them :


I'm really liking this one, but really need to nail down some evidence for the style and determine the period/location of it. Looks early 13c, western europe to me, but it's the backplate kicking off at the bottom that I'm struggling with. Having seen so many reproductions with that kind of style of backplate, I'm sure there must be some provenence for it. (Would be ideal for me if it pointed to 1250)

Can anyone help?
hmm judging what else is on the site, i wouldnt be massively confident his stuff is all up to the letter historical
try other armour makers like A&A albion, manning imperial etc
http://manningimperial.com/item.php?item_id=5...mp;c_id=22 is THIS what your looking for the reason
i reference manning imperial is that they have a decent reputation for following original finds etc, and getting specs from reenactors who have scouted out said finds and museum pieces

steel mastery is hit and miss, the biggest eyebrow raisers was the steel aspis, the helme with way too big (so ive heard) breating holes, (they compromise the strength of the material if breathingholes are too big/ the wrong shape)
I've been looking very carefully for mac-bible style helms for a while and found quite a few that get it fairly close (most seem to miss the inward-sloping faceplate and over-emphasise the kick-out at the back (if there is one at all)..

But that's not really the style I'm asking about here. Specifically, I'm looking at the type that doesn't fully enclose the head.

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