
I have a Deepeeka "basic sallet" on back order with KoA. The catalog number is AH3822A. It's not shown on KoA's website, but thay said they're getting it for me. It is a sallet without a hinged visor. It's simply a one-piece helmet with a vision slit.

Since this will be for an infantryman's costume I'm trying to slowly develop, I'm not overly concerned about what gauge steel is used. I simply think Deepeeka replicates the appearance & shape of a classic German sallet a bit better than GDFB. It just looks cooler.

Anyway .... my questions are these:

1) Do any of you own Deepeeka's one-piece "basic sallet?"

2) What is your opinion of it?

3)Will I need to buy an arming cap for it?

4) Along with my Hanwei bastard sword and my lucerne hammer, will a sallet help me become the master of my neighborhood?

5) Will men fear me? :p

6) Do women like men in armour? :lol:

I look forward to finally having a medieval helmet that's not a paper weight.

Dustin Faulkner