Kirk Lee Spencer wrote: |
I have heard about his Ci... Not sure if I have seen it yet. I know that if Neil cast it, then it will be a fine piece. I'll have to get one of these from Neil. First I have to finish my Mindelheim and Limehouse :) Speaking of the Mindelheim, the other day I got the pommel on the Mindelheim and was surprised that I can actually find the center of percussion on this long bronze blade. It vibrates like steel and has a nice "ring" to it.
For some reason, in my mind I see these extremely long bronze swords as King's swords that were probably prestige items and not used for combat unless absolutely necessary, or maybe some kind of kingly duel. I suppose they could also be used in combat. The long point would be great for getting over the opponent's shield. |
The one Brock has is a one-off, with the mold made by Brock and Neil together. Jeroen and me were also there, but busy with our own swords. And I know what you are saying about finishing btw... Somehow it's difficult to find time to do it.
Regarding long swords being prestige objects, I don't know... I also have a Mindelheim and I know I don't want to get hit by one... Due to it's weight I do find it slightly awkward to use (note that mine doesn't have a hilt yet) but I certainly find it possible to "fence" with it. With training (and a hilt...) I think it's certainly usable in battle. It might not be so nimble as an Ewart Part but I think it would make short work of a leather shield. On the other hand I am quite impressed with the durability of Neil's Clonbrin shield as shown on his new site, so who knows what happens if you pit a Mindelheim against that shield.
As I remember Brock's Ci, it was certainly light enough to be a handy weapon. Maybe it's length would make it awkward in shield-to-shield combat, but I guess that would also depend on the length of the weilder.