Buying my first sword

Can anyone help me with buying my first sword. I have searched around for some time, to see if I could find anything. But I can´t really say which swords are good or not. So I hope you can help me!
The only requirements I have, is that it should be a Battle Ready sword with a sharp edge. The design is not that importent. If possible it should not cost more than 150$.
So if anyone can recommend a sword and/or a dealer, I would be very thankful.
And what do you intend to do with your sword? At any rate for that price I'd check out
You should also be careful. In my opinion a $150 "sharp and battle ready" sword is not a safe thing to be using.
Gary Venable wrote:
You should also be careful. In my opinion a $150 "sharp and battle ready" sword is not a safe thing to be using.

I've got to disagree with you there. Kris Cutlery offers several swords for less than $150. I own one of their swords and can personally vouch for their "sharp battle ready" properties. It cuts as well as my $500+ swords. They're a really great buy.

Example...KC Pinuti: $95.00

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I´m not going to use it for anything special, like re-enactment, but i would still prefer a sword which at least feels like a real sword. I can see that Arms and Valor has two second generation swords, the Crecy and poitier sword, for 155$. Does anyone know something about this dealer and the swords? And are the CAS Iberia Battle-Ready swords of good quality?

Thanks for the help.

I will check out Kris Cutlery soon!
If you search the internet you will find this line of swords on sale from a variety of sources. I doubt that the Crecy or Poitiers swords are actually available at this time - they were probably discontinued some time ago. And they are not the most authentic designs you can find in your price range. But various other swords are available for $150 or less, any of which might make an acceptable 'first sword' for a beginning collector. Perhaps the Dagesse would be one that would give a good overall impression:

It pays to search the web for better prices when you are looking at swords of this quality. You can often find some real bargains, compared to the 'list' price.

You should assume that none of the swords that you will find in this price range is safely usable to strike solid objects. They are reasonably shaped, solid feeling decorative swords.
Save your money, buy something better, and start your collection RIGHT. That's my 2 cents.
I would agree with Jeremy. If you are serious about the hobby anyway. If you buy that 150 dollar sword and stay with the hobby that sword is eventually going to be on the classifieds somewhere. It is better to delay gratification and get something a little better/pricier.
Hi René, and welcome to myArmoury!

If you want a decent inexpensive European styled sword, I'd suggest looking here:

You can find several review in the review section of this site on the company. You will hear serious collectors complain about them, but overall, they are decent swords, especially when considering the price range. In my opinion, they are leaps and bounds better than swords by Valiant or the Phillipines made line of CAS Iberia, and only slightly more expensive.

Within the CAS Iberia lineup, though, is the Hanwei brand by Paul Chen, which is also pretty decent for the price.

Even better is Del Tin, which is still more expensive, but what I would consider good quality.

So if you hold out just a little bit, I think you'll be MUCH more satisfied in the long run.

The Hanwei/Paul Chen line is a good line to start with if budget is a question. I own two,a #2004 Mortuary Hilt and a #2066 Dark Sentinel. Very pleased with them. Both were purchased for under $200 each.

aka Bill

I used to own a Museum Replicas Limited European Sword. It is one of their more recent swords. It may interest you. It is a great sword for the price of $175. Others who have bought it were pleased as well.

That's cool, Stephen. A very attractive MRL piece by far. It's got my interest! :)

A MRL sword would be a good starter piece. Kris Cutlery also makes some attractive, well made pieces like the one shown above (I personally am attracted to their Dha and Celtic sword). Or, you can save up and buy the best possible sword you can afford... just don't go nuts. :)
Within the CAS Iberia lineup, though, is the Hanwei brand by Paul Chen, which is also pretty decent for the price.

Even better is Del Tin, which is still more expensive, but what I would consider good quality

Having some experience with both, I thimk the Hanweis are a quantum leap beyond Del Tin.
Right now I am thinking about the Cas Iberia agincourt, lionheart or Henry v sword. And also the Baselard sword from Kris Cuttery. Can anyone recommed any of thesse? Or are there others, which are similar to those mentioned, which would be a better choice?
Generally the more expensive swords within the CAS line are significantly better than the least expensive ones. The best prices seem to be at places like this one:

If you buy from this site, the Archer's Sword and the Black Prince are within your price range. Either of them would probably be a better first sword than the Agincourt, Henry V, or Lionheart. I have owned each of these swords, so I speak from experience.

You can see what they look like, and see how much more they cost at other sites, here:
Keep an eye on the classifieds, too. You can maximize your dough by buying pre-owned weapons. In this price range, I'd take a look at SOME of the discounted or inexpensive Windlass/MRL items. Don't buy anything just because it's cheap, though. There are some great bargains around, but some overpriced dogs, too. If you see something you like, learn as much as you can about similar originals, compare the statistics and ask around this forum. Chances are, somebody has owned it or examined it. Just starting out, I think you'd be happy with something like the MRL/Windlass falchion or badelaire. I'm extremely happy with the $100 (including shipping) German Hanger I just got from MRL. Those are all in your approximate range. The quality of these is surprisingly good, but so what if you have some great revelation later on and decide to sell this first purchase? Who here started out with a $700 sword? Who still treasures their first sword purchase for any reason other than nostalgia or self-deprecation? Probably very few of us, and learning to tell the good from the bad from the ugly is part of the learning process.
If you're willing to swim against the current a bit, you could get the MRL German Halberd or Swiss Axe (extensively discussed on the recent polearms thread) and maybe come in under budget. OR buy just a polearm head from Albion for under $100 and make a haft yourself. You CAN get something good for under $150. It just takes some research and thought. And, yeah, you could save up for that $500 sword, but if you can save that much you can wait a while longer and get that $700 sword, and that's just a short hop away from a $1,000 semi-custom piece. And if you're willing to spend that much on a replica, why not refocus your intererests and get an original 18th century some point we just have to take the plunge, and you're smart to just set your budget and jump in.
I have looked around a bit, and think I will try the baselard at Kris Cutlery. From what I can see, people seems to be quite happy with this sword, . Are there any one in this forum, whom has any experience with this sword?
Or are there other swords, in the same price range, which would be a better choice?
Hello Rene

First off, you should be commended for your efforts in trying to make the best choice possible. When you are starting
out, it is important to ask a lot of questions of those who frequent forums like this one. Take advantage of the
experience of those who once were where you are now. Though I cant advise you, per se, I will tell you of my swords
and maybe that will help. My first sword was a wedding gift 8 years ago. It was the "Highlander" replica Katana made by Muarto. I loved it, thought it a real sword and played with it all the time. It loosened up after a time and I wanted to fix it.
I ended up having to break the plastic end cap off to find a really lowsy sword-shaped object upon dissasembly. About
3 years ago, I began to seriously involve myself in the medieval martial arts and needed a new sword to play with. I was anxious and impatient but, in the end, lucky. The Del Tin I wanted (and Del Tin's are decent, btw) wasnt due to arrive here till the fall, so I ended up spending quite a bit more and got a type XIIIa hand and a half made by Angus Trim. It was only after it arrived that I began to understand what makes a sword, a sword. ATrim makes swords, Muarto well, doesnt. Since then I have purchased two swords, two daggers and an axe from MRL. MRL (windlass) for me is still undecided. I dont like the hand and a half I got from them but, the daggers are ok and the cut and thrust sword is actually quite nice; handles and is put together well. I got them all from the closeout section of their catalogue, so price was excellent. Overall, I would buy from them again. Honestly, though, my prize is the ATrim. Knowing what I know now, I thank whatever fate or luck made me buy that beautiful weapon. There is more workmanship in the pommel alone than in the entire Muarto wallhanger. It handles nicely, looks good and is made well, and I am proud to show it around. To me, it was worth the extra money. No matter how much more I spend on my next blade, this one will always be one that I will feel lucky to own, and the only blade I own that I can feel that way about. We all have that one piece in our collection. I dont mind taking a chance on something cheap now, on the off chance that I will like it. For my first bought sword, though, Im glad I got the ATrim.
One final thing, Rene. If there are any armourers or weaponsmiths in your area, pay them a visit. Get a feel for what you like and what feels good in your hand. Everybody is different and a sword is a personal thing.
I wish you the best of luck, as I have had.

Why waste $150 on a cheap sword that is not totaly functional and then start saving all over again when you could have been $150 closer to buying a good sword (there nice are Angus Trim swords that are under $400, so with $150 you are already 1/3 of the way to buying one)

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