Posts: 420 Location: NY, NY
Fri 20 Apr, 2007 2:37 pm
Hello Robert, and welcome to!
The myArmoury
Links page has some good leads on swordsmiths, many of them custom (including production companies that also take custom orders, like
Arms & Armor). Price points and personal styles do vary (even within the constraints of authenticity), however, and "quick" is not synonymous with "right."
Depending on how experienced and knowledgeable an enthusiast/collector you are, and what you want out of a sword, it may be advisable to hold off on a custom order and learn a little more about the field and your options. For instance, why do you want this sword? Why these specific elements? Is it for WMA (Western Martial Arts) practice / cutting exercises, or will it be more of a carefully maintained work of art? Is there a particular historical setting you wish to conform to, or are you more interested in a personal expression?
If you are relatively new to the field then I'd caution that aesthetic tastes and opinions on suitable decorative elements for a blade change most dramatically during the early learning period. Not that there's anything wrong with your requests; blade inscriptions and even sculptural/animal pommels have been done before, and any blade by Albion is highly authentic. However, custom jobs especially can run expensive and it's better to learn twice and pay once (to mangle an old adage) than end up with something you grow out of and may have difficulty selling on the used market due to more personal touches.
So, the more information you can share, the better the membership here can guide you towards a good choice. My favorite custom western-style smiths are not necessarily the smiths I'd point someone towards, if only for high prices and long waitlists. But there are plenty of options in that linklist alone worth considering.
Gabriel L.