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David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river
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PostPosted: Tue 21 Jun, 2011 1:45 pm    Post subject: Storage Solutions for Several Straight Swords         Reply with quote

Try saying that fast. Razz

I will admit it: I have a lot of swords. It's a problem, I know. I'm not ashamed....

But anyway. Finding storage/display solutions to this problem can be difficult. How can one store/display a sizeable collection in an efficient, simple, and affordable (emphasis on the affordable) manner? There are several things people do -- hooks, nails in walls, sword racks (do Roman swords go well in a multi-level Japanese sword rack? Actually, yes, they do), and other unique and hopefully non-destructive methods.

Now, some of you may already know about this, and do it yourselves. That's okay, you can sit this one out. But for everyone else, this idea may be an answer for you.

I hit upon the idea of an organizer for garden tools, like rakes, shovels, hoes, etc. I spyed upon the Sterilite 01878502 Garden Tool Rack Organizer. This, I thought, might work.
Here's a link to a picture and description:

Note, I did not get mine from Amazon nor am I endorsing them. But they're an option.

Anyway -- yes, it works. Quite well. I was able to store a large percentage of my collection and there is still room for more. And not only swords, but axes as well. Is it perfect? No, not at all. I don't think it would work well for swords with curved blades, like sabers, shamshirs, or katanas, and swords with complex hilts might prove probematic as well (then again, I haven't tried all the little holes and nooks and notches on this thing). Also, the blades are exposed and left hanging, which could be potential safety hazard if you have pets and little people running about (on the other hand, it encourages scabbardless storage, which I think is a good thing).

Anyway, I like it. My swords seem to like it -- it certainly beats a re-purposed trash can....

Here's what it looks like now, below....

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2010-03-17 16-47-32_0028 a1.jpg

David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe

Now available on Amazon: Franklin Posner's "Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires"
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Glen A Cleeton

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PostPosted: Tue 21 Jun, 2011 2:40 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I have been using the equivalent Rubbermaid long pole stand for some years now (painted black). There is a smaller triangular corner version. I also use an inexpensive cane stand for a ten hole spadroon rack (which currently is fitting a dozen or so, some doubled).

The Sterilite looks better out of the package as a bit more neutral in color. The Rubbermaid is green with white legs.
We had it quite loaded last year with polearms and swords for an event. For the longer items that reach to the bottom, a pad or plank will save surface and tips.

Another fellow had more or less duplicated the idea in wood but with sides to keep pets and small children out of the blades. I had looked at a lot of possibilities including store displays of magazine and shoe racks, organizers of all kinds and the garage stuff seemd to fit the bill the best for my purposes. There is a wheeled version of these as well.



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Mikko Kuusirati

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PostPosted: Tue 21 Jun, 2011 3:30 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Nice idea! Gotta look into these...

BTW, is that a Luristan bronze axe there on the shelf behind the rack?

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David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river
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PostPosted: Tue 21 Jun, 2011 5:52 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Mikko Kuusirati wrote:
Nice idea! Gotta look into these...

BTW, is that a Luristan bronze axe there on the shelf behind the rack?

A (now discontinued) Windlass reproduction.

David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe

Now available on Amazon: Franklin Posner's "Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires"
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David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river
Joined: 23 Aug 2003

Posts: 803

PostPosted: Tue 21 Jun, 2011 6:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Glen A Cleeton wrote:

Another fellow had more or less duplicated the idea in wood but with sides to keep pets and small children out of the blades. I had looked at a lot of possibilities including store displays of magazine and shoe racks, organizers of all kinds and the garage stuff seemd to fit the bill the best for my purposes. There is a wheeled version of these as well.



I have (and am still using -- like I said, I got a lotta swords) a wood stand, single row, handmade by the late John Sharp, which has wood sides specifically for tip retention. Very well designed, and a pretty substantial piece of furniture.

The wheeled versions would be great for events.....

David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe

Now available on Amazon: Franklin Posner's "Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires"
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