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Tjarand Matre

Location: Nøtterøy, Norway
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PostPosted: Thu 25 Nov, 2010 3:00 pm    Post subject: Tightening the crossguard on a Del Tin 5140         Reply with quote

I have a Del Tin 5140 hand and a half that sees some serious beating a few times a week. After 6 months of use the crossguard is slightly loose. I assume this is because the grip has recieved a few good whacks too many. It's not very loose but there is an annoying rattle. I have not worked on swords before (never had to with my Del Tin ;-) so I'm not sure how to fix the rattle. I can live with it but it annoys me that it will go brrrr instead of ping when I block a hau.
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Thu 25 Nov, 2010 3:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Tightening the crossguard on a Del Tin 5140         Reply with quote

Tjarand Matre wrote:
I have a Del Tin 5140 hand and a half that sees some serious beating a few times a week. After 6 months of use the crossguard is slightly loose. I assume this is because the grip has recieved a few good whacks too many. It's not very loose but there is an annoying rattle. I have not worked on swords before (never had to with my Del Tin ;-) so I'm not sure how to fix the rattle. I can live with it but it annoys me that it will go brrrr instead of ping when I block a hau.

Small wedges or slivers of wood hammered into the gap between the blade and the guard.

Use a small piece of wood to push on the wedges and hammer on this piece of wood rather than directly on the wedges as there is not enough room to get the hammer head close enough and not damage/scratch the blade finish.

Not historical but I added some epoxy to the surfaces of the wedges and into the gap with my Del Tins and they seem rock solid now. For a more period fix just wedge in without epoxy although I'm not sure if in period they might have used some sort of cutlers resin or other natural glues.

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Maurizio D'Angelo

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PostPosted: Thu 25 Nov, 2010 4:35 pm    Post subject: Re: Tightening the crossguard on a Del Tin 5140         Reply with quote

Jean Thibodeau wrote:

Not historical but I added some epoxy to the surfaces of the wedges and into the gap with my Del Tins and they seem rock solid now. For a more period fix just wedge in without epoxy although I'm not sure if in period they might have used some sort of cutlers resin or other natural glues.

I remember reading old posts here:
Historically, if the guard had a very large hole, the method was: wedges and glue.

maybe the sound will be muffled... Happy

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Glen A Cleeton

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PostPosted: Thu 25 Nov, 2010 5:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Don't forget the Bjorn Bonk Dance as part of daily life with Del Tins.



or, dismantle and size/shim/squeeze/glue to fit but keep the bonk dance in the pencil box
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Andrea Scattolin

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PostPosted: Thu 25 Nov, 2010 5:26 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I have 12 Deltin arms,most of them are swords.
In 10 of these pieces,the hilts,becames loose(and the steel wires of the Grips,is very often,loosing,moving under my hand))even,if i never use them in any kind of action.
I know there is a site,where it is explained -how to tighten a loose hilt-o somethin'like that.
I tryed,being in most of cases,with no success.
I have swords and dagger,from a selection of makers,the most,of pretty good quality.
They are; A&A,Cervenka,A.Class,Leier,Fabri Arm.,Deltin,Hanwei,Windlass,Cold steel products.Mostly Side swords-Rapiers and Main gauches.
There is anything else i can do about.
Naturally i have spoked with Fulvio,who kindly offer me to send them back to him,to be tighten up,and could drive to his place,i am waiting for the opportunity to do so.
Anyway,i wanted to say,that,it is pretty strange,that so many pieces,and of the same maker,has so often this,for me,vey annoying problem.
Does anybody else,had similar experience?
Andrea Question Blush
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Glen A Cleeton

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PostPosted: Thu 25 Nov, 2010 6:08 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

They are; A&A

If you mean A&A from America, many of their swords look just peened but the peen block itself s a threaded nut. Add that the pommel to tang fit may be bottoming out and no amount of banging or turning to tighten will make a difference in the cross or handle looseness. I have a Black Prince from them I need to take apart again, as the pommel bottoms out on the taper of the tang and will not compress things any further. I think mine was a holiday rush job way back when but I have noticed other examples from A&A that could have been fitted a little more cleanly. None of that has kept me from using them.

As for the Del Tins, I just use a hammer in one hand and the sword in my other and give mine (a 5157) a bonk when needed,


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Tjarand Matre

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PostPosted: Fri 26 Nov, 2010 12:33 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thanks for the tips guys. Will try the bigger hammer approach first and then wedge/glue if the grip is too loose.
I am actually very impressed about how long the Del Tin has held out before showing any wear. I fight in a mixed group with mostly vikings in it and they hit hard and I've had quite a few Daneaxe blows to the crossguard and grip.
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Andrea Scattolin

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PostPosted: Fri 26 Nov, 2010 6:54 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I wanted to say,that ,i have problems with the grips that are gettin loose,only with the DELTIN swords.
I wanted to compare,with other good makers i have pieces(A&Aminnesota,CERVENKA,ARMOUR CLASS),that never showed any problems at hilts and grips.

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Tjarand Matre

Location: Nøtterøy, Norway
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PostPosted: Sat 27 Nov, 2010 2:35 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Rattle fixed with hammers ;-)
Here in Norway winter season has set in and indoor air is dry from heating. That alone could cause the rattle due to the wood dehydrating. Have the same problem with my longbows every winter, things get dry and shrinks/twists and sometimes snaps at full draw.
Maybe Del Tin use wood that has not dried properly? Or he use really dense wood that dehydrates slowly over years? I'm sure this is an authentic problem and could probably me more present in swords that are made with fairly authentic methods.
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Andrea Scattolin

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PostPosted: Sat 27 Nov, 2010 4:22 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I have the hilts problems only with DELTIN swords,and i only handled them,no cuttings,no fighting at all.
I believe,is production way does notmuch his prices ,tomy impression.And i know him pretty well,i really believe,the standards of his blades,it is not bad,but,the rest it is not up to his price level.
The biggest problem,for me,is,that,available to buy in Europe,apart from some Cech makers,there is not a wide choice,if you like to have custompieces.
CERVENKA-ARMOUR CLASS-CASTLE KEEP,these are he makersiknow,that can generate some good pieces,then,the waiting time,it is very long,fromthem.That is why,i sometimes ordered,from available makers,but,i don't do it anymore.
I will order a lot from A&A of Minnesota,but in Italy,it always been very difficult,to get over the custom,for sword possesion regulation,wich is particulary unclear,plus,we pay a lot in taxes.
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