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Jean Henri Chandler

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PostPosted: Fri 02 Apr, 2010 12:56 pm    Post subject: Tinker Hanwei swords         Reply with quote

I saw a couple of these Tinker / Hanwei longsword blunts at the Houston IOG tournament a couple of weeks ago. They looked and handled prety well and I was wondering about the sharps, but I haven't seen nearly anything about them.

One of the guys in my group is in need of a sharp and would ideally like something reasonably good and realistic in terms of length, firmness, balance etc. around that price range. Does anyone have any experience of this range of weapons? Are they strong enough to be used for robust test-cutting? I know there have been a few problems with the early blunts but I haven't been able to find much in the way of reviews or anything.


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Last edited by Jean Henri Chandler on Fri 02 Apr, 2010 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Allen Foster

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PostPosted: Fri 02 Apr, 2010 1:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Tinker Hanwei swords         Reply with quote

Jean Henri Chandler wrote:
I saw a couple of these blunts at the Houston IOG tournament a couple of weeks ago. They looked and handled prety well and I was wondering about the sharps, but I haven't seen nearly anything about them.

One of the guys in my group is in need of a sharp and would ideally like something reasonably good and realistic in terms of length, firmness, balance etc. around that price range. Does anyone have any experience of this range of weapons? Are they strong enough to be used for robust test-cutting? I know there have been a few problems with the early blunts but I haven't been able to find much in the way of reviews or anything.



You can go to Albions Moat sale and pick up an Albion Sharp Blade Blank for anywhere from $25 to $40. they are also selling pommels and guards for about $25 each. If your friend doesn't mind assembling the blade and doing the handle work, it's a heck of a good way to get a high quality sharp.


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Sean O Stevens

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PostPosted: Fri 02 Apr, 2010 1:04 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I currently have a H/T EMSHS and a Fullered Bastard sword. I have handled the H/T 9th Century Viking, the GSoW, and the Longsword. The only Hanwei/Tinker swords I have not checked out yet are the Norman and the non-fullered Bastard sword.

If you find a retailer that sells them for a good price (Wiwingti Sword Supply sells them far and away the lowest) then I feel they are VERY much worth the money. Nothing else in that pricerange even comes close. The Valaint Armoury Performance line is better IMO... but costs more then what Wiwingti sells the H/T's for. Still, the over all fit and finish of the Valaint Armoury Performance line is a lot better then the H/T swords.

Some thigns to expect with the H/T swords... they will almost assuradly be a bit duller then they should be. Every single one of Hanwei's non-Katana swords I have ever laid hands on (over a 100 in the past 2 years) needed the edge touched up, sometimes a LOT, before it was good for cutting. Also, the grip material and fittings are very plain, very 'Meh'. The Valiant Armoury ones are a lot better.

That said... the weight, balance, Heat Treat... the 'bones' of the Hanwei/Tinker line swords is very, VERY good. At the price you can get em for from Wiwingti (Between 150 or so and 200 depending on the sword) I think they are unmatched at that price.
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Harry J. Fletcher

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PostPosted: Fri 02 Apr, 2010 3:24 pm    Post subject: Tinker Pearce Viking Sharp         Reply with quote

I can only comment on my experience with the Tinker Viking and it is all good. For the money I don't think I could have purchased a better sword for the money I have spent than this one. The only problem I have is using it with the Viking pommel which is a problem with any sword of this genre. The price was $329.00 from Swords of Honor and there may be better bargains but I am completely satisfied with the Tinker Viking and the price I paid. It is comparable to the Albion Reeve I purchased at a much steeper price. I might add that I had purchased the Hanwei Godfred which I was very unsatisfied with for $469.00 and returned for credit which I suspect a previous customer had also returned since it was not shipped from the warehouse but from the Office of Swords of Honor direct. I returned it for credit and ordered the Tinker Viking sharp.

The Tinker Viking has good blade flex yet is not wavy. Perhaps the only complaint that I could make is that the blade out the box was slightly less sharp than I expected but a slight touch up with a medium stone fixed that. I use it for cutting milk jugs and it holds an edge well. All that is required when done is a good wiping off, spraying with WD-40, another wipe off, and then a light coat of gun oil. As can be guessed I am fully satisfied with the Tinker Viking Sharp and would recommend any sword produced by Hanwei with Tinker's name on it to be an excellent sword. My recommendation, Tinkers name, and Hanwei's quality, what more can be said except that these swords offer excellent value. Happy Happy Happy

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Sean O Stevens

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PostPosted: Fri 02 Apr, 2010 8:10 pm    Post subject: Re: Tinker Pearce Viking Sharp         Reply with quote

Harry J. Fletcher wrote:
The price was $329.00 from Swords of Honor and there may be better bargains but I am completely satisfied with the Tinker Viking and the price I paid.

Owtch. Worried

I'm glad your happy with the sword, but the Tinking 9th Century Viking sword could be got from Wiwingti for about HALF the price you paid. Thats why I say at Wiwingti prices, there is nothing on the market better then the Hanwei/Tinker line swords.
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Harry J. Fletcher

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PostPosted: Sat 03 Apr, 2010 4:08 pm    Post subject: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!         Reply with quote

Hi Sean,

I know I paid a higher price at Swords of Honor but they took back my returned Godfred so I felt obligated to buy the Tinker from them. Glad you got such a good deal. I bought my Tinker viking over a year ago so they might have come down by now. Anyway I'll check into Wiwingti. I trust Swords of Honor so even if I paid more it was for the service and the confidence that I could have my expectations met.

An old saying goes like this "...if you pay a lesser price and don't get what you want then you have lost the whole amount...but if you pay more and do get what you want then you have only paid a little more..."

I get worried when a price seems too good to be true. I have yet to buy a sword on EBay since I think many of their brand name manufactured swords for sale are seconds. And so I apply the above saying.

At any rate I think the Tinker Pearce Hanwei swords are first rate even if one pays a higher price than someone else. There are those who take chances and those who fancy their chances...but a sword with Tinker's name is a good sword at any reasonable price.


Harry Happy Happy Happy

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