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Ben Potter
Industry Professional

Posted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 6:22 pm Post subject: Steel Tooth Seax |
Click on the image to go the the gallery page and see the specs. and more pictures.
Let me know what you think.
Ben Potter Bladesmith
It's not that I would trade my lot
For any other man's,
Nor that I will be ashamed
Of my work torn hands-
For I have chosen the path I tread
Knowing it would be steep,
And I will take the joys thereof
And the consequences reap.
Jean Thibodeau

Posted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 7:56 pm Post subject: |
Really worth while going to the site and seeing all the close-ups of the carving as the pic in the Topic first post only hints at how nice this seax is.
You can easily give up your freedom. You have to fight hard to get it back!
Neil Schiff
Posted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 9:01 pm Post subject: |
I think it's absolutely beautiful, is what I think.
I agree, Jean, the detail on the carving is exquisite.
Michael Eging
Posted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 5:03 am Post subject: |
Very nice. I agree with the others, go to the site so you can see the detail. Your attention to detail is very impressive!
M. Eging
Hamilton, VA
Member of the HEMA Alliance
Jonathan Blair

Posted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 5:14 am Post subject: |
Lovely piece. I'm not much into the viking era, but this is inspiring me to find out more.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - The Lord Jesus Christ, from The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, chapter x, verse 34, Authorized Version of 1611
Tim Lison
Posted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 6:19 am Post subject: |
Gorgeous! Is this piece available..?
Jean Thibodeau

Posted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 7:00 am Post subject: |
At some point in time I'm really going have to buy something from you.
Looking at the hiking/walking sticks you made and a nice and heavy one with some of your carving would be tempting ....
very tempting !
I sort of have to take a breather on spending for a few months though as I just had to spend a good chunk of change to replace my computer after the hardrive got to be unreliable and I still have a few project outstanding to still pay for.
The design of the seax has nice lines also but I guess the carving makes it even more special.
Just curious how thick is the blade and what is the distal taper like if any ? Your stats don't mention thickness of blade and it just seems to me that with "many/some " seax one would want a very stout blade at least near the handle/blade juncture ?
( Won't say guard because there isn't always a guard with a seax ).
Anyway, again, very nice work.
You can easily give up your freedom. You have to fight hard to get it back!
Addison C. de Lisle

Posted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 7:06 am Post subject: |
Very nice piece; I like how the piece is understated, with most of ones attention being drawn to the carving. Great job!
Ben Potter
Industry Professional

Posted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 8:15 am Post subject: |
Thanks for all the kind words.
This piece was a commission (I was given the rough dimensions and free rein ) so It is not available. I will be expanding my shop in the near future (so I can forge full length swords, and do pattern welding) But I am happy to take on commissions.
Thanks for pointing that out, the blade is 3/16 at the bolster and just over 1/8 at the angle, it has an even taper all the way from the bolster to the tip , but the geometry of the tip keeps the back thicker, if that makes sense.
Ben Potter Bladesmith
It's not that I would trade my lot
For any other man's,
Nor that I will be ashamed
Of my work torn hands-
For I have chosen the path I tread
Knowing it would be steep,
And I will take the joys thereof
And the consequences reap.
Carl W.
Posted: Sat 17 Oct, 2009 5:55 pm Post subject: |
Another stunning knife, up there with fierce friend & dragon braid! Thanks for sharing, & happy for you & lucky owner that its sold. Your knives are often spectacular - blades, wood hilts, imaginative wood carving & bolsters. Just wonderful work & often instantly attractive to me.
But fyi, with rare exceptions your scabbards/sheaths don't attract me (I like dunadan's). Subjective, I like tooled leather. An idea, fwiw as its your business (& artistry, how you like to create), wait until have a customer for knife? You could have a rough sketch of your sheath plan for discussion & to save time if customer likes.
I recently bought a seax from Michael P. & he made me a sheath I liked after email discussion. If he had pre-made a sheath I did not like, I would not have bought the seax. Fwiw, maybe its just me. Anyway, thanks again for sharing another super seax!
Ben Potter
Industry Professional

Posted: Mon 19 Oct, 2009 10:22 am Post subject: |
Thanks for the kind words,
Carl, That is an interesting Idea, I have to give that some thought.
Ben Potter Bladesmith
It's not that I would trade my lot
For any other man's,
Nor that I will be ashamed
Of my work torn hands-
For I have chosen the path I tread
Knowing it would be steep,
And I will take the joys thereof
And the consequences reap.
J.E. Sweeney

Posted: Mon 19 Oct, 2009 9:07 pm Post subject: |
I received Steel Tooth today. The pictures do not do it justice. I am very pleased with the seax.
Ben - it was a pleasure doing business with you, and I look forward to future commissions!
Ben Potter
Industry Professional

Posted: Tue 20 Oct, 2009 11:31 am Post subject: |
Glad to hear you are happy with it, I enjoyed doing this piece.
Ben Potter Bladesmith
It's not that I would trade my lot
For any other man's,
Nor that I will be ashamed
Of my work torn hands-
For I have chosen the path I tread
Knowing it would be steep,
And I will take the joys thereof
And the consequences reap.
Michael Pearce
Industry Professional
Posted: Thu 22 Oct, 2009 1:48 pm Post subject: |
Great work, Ben! Another outstanding blade.
Michael 'Tinker' Pearce
Then one night, as my car was going backwards through a cornfield at 90mph, I had an epiphany...