The Collection Gallery of Patrick Kelly

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For as long as I remember the sword has fascinated me. As a child I spent many an afternoon seated in front of the family television enjoying the swashbuckling prowess of Errol Flynn and the chivalric deeds of Charelton Heston. The works of J.R.R. Tolkien and Robert E. Howard were held in high esteem.

As the years passed I came to realize that the truth is often more interesting than fiction. My studies began to take me out of the realm of fantasy and more and more into the world of reality. The work of scholars such as the late Ewart Oakeshott opened my eyes to the fascinating world of history and development that surrounds the sword. We tend to look at ourselves, and our time, as the summit of human development. The skill and ingenuity that our ancestors displayed in the crafting of the sword shows that they may not have been as far behind as we would like to believe.

My collection has varied in size over the years, from large to small and back again. For over twenty years my home has been cluttered with weapons of varying size and design. I for one have been, and continue to be, very thankful to have been blessed with an understanding wife who tolerates her husband's fixation towards long sharp things.

I hope you get as much enjoyment from viewing the collection as I do in displaying it. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

I can be contacted at my profile page.

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